Tentoonstelling Eindhoven (NL)
datum: 1 februari 2003
keurmeester: mevr. E. Haapanimie (Finland)

Jeugdklasse reuen:
Barátságos Bolyhos Bfitos: 1U/CAC
Only 9 months but a balanced, well groomed junior with a happy disposition: very typical excellent head and pigmentation. Strong quarters, typical coat. Sound on the move. At the moment just a little bit feminine, I hope this will improve in age.

Jeugdklasse teven:
Barátságos Bolyhos Bfiera: 4ZG

Just a mere puppy at 9 months and very much out of coat at the day. Feminine, excellent frame, but needs to grow into it. Head is a little bit narrow at the moment, dark eyes, excellent pigmentation. Needs to improve in front, needs time.

Barátságos Bolyhos Bfényes: 3ZG

Just 9 months. Very feminine and much out of coat. Excellent head shape. Lovely dark eyes and pigmentation. Needs to improve in front. Sound hind quarters. Needs more time and a little more confidence.